Date : 22 November 2009

Venue : Queensbay Mall, Penang
Time : 2.30am
Result : 05:52:13 (Net Time) , 05:53:10 (Official Time)
OK . . . . this is a long long overdue report! Yeah, just plain lazy to write & excuses, excuses, excuses!
Finally the night before I decided to tie the ChampionChip onto my
Saucony GRID IGNITION which will carry me through the 42km stretch. I woke up at 1am. Amelia & Agatha were awake & chatting away in the room. Freshen up & put on my Adidas vest.

Reached out the the
SPIBelt which is still 'hot & spicy' from Choi the day before. Just in case it rain later in the morning, I slipped the mobile phone, some cash & ID card into a small plastic bag. And it will not be complete without the quick energy supply PowerGel which I bought from the
PowerBar station a day earlier. I took 3 packets which should be sufficient if I start taking the first pack after the 12km mark. Tho' the organiser is providing spaghetti for breakfast, I'm not taking any chances.
1.30am - With a bottle of 500ml water and a
REAL ENERGY BAR (a new found vegetarian full meal, an Autralian product) in hand, I make my way down to the lobby. Most of the runners

already left. There were 4 runners from Ipoh who were at the lobby and so we walked together. Queensbay Mall is just 10 minutes walk so I took a slow walk and started chewing my breakfast. I had 2 packs to ensure it provides sufficient energy for my 1st 10km.
2.30am - BANG! The long journey began. I took it easy and ran my own race knowing very well I don't have to rush back since Amelia, Sonny & Agatha who ran the half had change the bus departure schedule to 2pm. Millions thanks, my dear friends!
Without any training at all, my only wish is to complete (hopefully) in 7hours without any injury. As I was approaching the bridge, bumped into Alice Chi & Eliza Ho from Singapore. Both overtook me but I still maintain the same pace of 7.5mins/km until I reached the bridge. Thats when I started to walk. A young chap gave me a smile and said, 'come on, you can do it. we've almost done 10k.' Really? I was walking but still feeling good.
Now, the mind has a big role to play - to keep me sane & keep going! Its a long long way down to the end . . . . . . At the 12km mark some Half Marathoners passing by so whenever I familiar figure pass by, I'll cheer them on. This is the beginning of my REAL race . . . . I found a formula to keep me going without thinking about the long lonely journey - Start writing my race report (mentally). And the row of lamp post became the marker. I ensure that I ran pass at least 2 poles before I walk and not to be too complacent, I will start running after passing 2 poles (the max).
While my mind keep writing the report thru the lens of my twin identical lakes, time passes really fast. I was already at the end of the bridge. I took my 1st pack PowerGel at KM12 & now I can feel a little tightness in my hamstring & of course my tummy came calling too. So, there goes the 2nd pack. I decided to walk to make that U-turn while enjoying the 2nd Gel.
Throughout the race, I sponged myself well & stop for a cup/bottle of water/isotonic drink at all the refreshment stations. Once I was on the bridge again, I keep focusing on the road and refused to look at the time. My target is to reach the 30km mark where marathoners will be given the PowerGel supply. Then I'll decide if I should up my tempo to beat the clock.
I thought I passed the 25km mark long time ago. Even after passing the Half Marathoners last check point, there wasn't any sign of the PowerBar station. By now, my morale is slowly heading downwards, my feet felt heavy & there wasn't any water station too! I only have one more PowerGel. Should I take it? Yes, I decided to take the last packet to avoid any muscle cramp and glad to have made that decision.
Finally I saw the PowerBar station & the signboard read 32KM! Took a bottle of water & lucky me they gave me 2 packs of the Gel. A quick check showed that I had closed to 90 minutes for the last 10km to the finish line for the qualifying time! Yes, I WILL MAKE IT BACK ON TIME!
I had ran the most difficult part of the race and nothing can stop me. After 3km down, I took another packet of Gel and started to run and walk and stay focus. As I was almost back to the bridge, Oh My God! Look at the sea of human on the bridge. Teared of the last pack of Gel, I quickly took the last few gulp of water for that 'make it or break it' finishing. Zig-zag through the fun runners when I heard a group of youngers shouting to their friends " . . . you can do it. Ten more minutes to go!' Upon hearing this, I dashed all the way. That was like the longest run ever.
See U next in 2010!

Come back for my post race report . . .