Monday, April 26, 2010
This is to inform that the Setia Eco Half Marathon Trail Run scheduled on May 1, 2010 has been cancelled. Any inconvenience caused in very much regretted.
For your information, the Setia Eco Half Marathon online registration is now available at
Monday, April 19, 2010

We were flagged off at 7.10pm making our way at the outer perimeter into the highway. 50 blue & yellow shirt runners going round the mall watched by hundreds of motorist, shoppers & spectators as we moved in a merry-go-round. We were escorted by the traffic police and Mid Valley's security team throughout the run. Am not sure if we'd been cursed each time we joined into the highway as I can see those puzzled face motorists. At least no one blast their horn . . . hahahaaaa

with Carrie (left) & Boey Yin Yin (right)
Alright, lets toss for that just concluded long and winding journey. Lets celebrate the Songkran 'Water' Festival the Adination's style.
Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SENG!!!!!!!!!! Everyone in jubilant mood.
And its the Grand Entrance . . . . .. . . .. .. to the Highway Fashian 2010!!!! We were in 3 groups where 2 groups ran in to the back stage and emerged on stage running all the way down to join the other VIP guests off stage. Then, my team followed from behind and ran straight from the front heading up the stage creating a 2-way traffic.
While the rest make a U-Turn to join other fellow runners, I remained and shared the centre stage with the emcee, Yasmin Yusuff. It maybe for just 10 minutes but at least I get that chance to be a STAR for a moment - a dream fulfilled! :)
And its on stage with some big name on Highway Fashion . . . . . .
Its not something that happen every day. And opprotunity like this don't knocked on your door very often with the public, celebrities and your own running fellow watching your every move . . . . . .. . . .

Group photos of the celebrities and special guests at the end of the show . . . . ..

And the show will not be complete without a Family photo . .... .. . . . . . Thank you to all fellow runners for your sportsmanship spirit & for being great buddies.

Enjoy the short video clip of the adventure courtesy of Lim Pueh Tian @ runwitme
Friday, April 9, 2010
Do drop me a line @ 016-228 4088 (Julie Wong) or email to should you need any assistance or information. I'll be opening a Registration Counter on 18 April 2010 at Lake Garden
Saturday, April 3, 2010
When : 1 May 2010
Time : 6.30am
Venue : Setia Alam Welcome Centre, Shah Alam
For confirmation of your participation or further enquiry, please contact -
Mr. SP Wong @ Hp No: 012 - 310 1379

How to get there?
Via Federal Highway / From KL
Follow the highway signs and head towards Klang, until you come to the 1st toll (Batu Tiga Toll).
After the toll, continue straight towards Klang until you reach the Sg Rasau toll (approx 10km from Batu Tiga Toll).
Once you cross the Sg Rasau toll, exit to your left and you will come to a traffic light. Turn right at the traffic light. (Landmark: MBB building).
After turning right, you will see Jaya Jusco Bukit Raja and Esso Petrol Station on your left. Continue straight until you come to another toll (Shapadu toll).
Immediately after the toll, exit to your left and follow the Jalan Meru sign. Ramp down and you will come to a traffic light.
Turn right at the traffic light and go straight for approximately 2km
You will see Setia Alam/KLIA signboard on your left. Take the flyover & follow the Setia Alam signage.
Continue straight, you will come to the 1st interchage (Persimpangan Setia Alam Barat).
Drive straight until you approach the 2nd interchange (Persimpangan Setia Alam Timur). Take the 2nd interchange & make a U-turn.
The Setia Alam Welcome Centre is located on your left.
Enter the NKVE from Duta Toll / Damansara Toll / Subang Toll / Seafield Toll and head towards Klang (Utara).
Continue driving until KM3.3 where you exit at the PERSIMPANGAN SETIA ALAM (EXIT 102) on your left
After the Setia Alam Toll Plaza, you will see "Selamat datang ke Setia Alam & Setia Eco Park" signage. Continue driving, passing Setia Eco Park on your right and Persimpangan Setia Alam Timur (1st interchange).
Go straight, Setia Alam Welcome Centre is located on your left.
Friday, April 2, 2010
What : 33rd KL-Maran Marathon 2010
Date : 26 - 28 March, 2010
Start : Batu Caves, Selangor D.E.
Finish : Maran, Kuantan
Distant : 204km
Arrived in Batu Caves at 1.00am. Peter arrived earlier & we went to register at the counter. We paid RM30.00 which come with 3 pcs T-shirt sponsored by Sports Toto, a mug, milk pot, insurance and all the refreshements & food for all the 3 days.
This is more of a spritual journey where one truly find time to reflect on their journey in this universe. Each year, participants will face with new challenges despite walking the same route year after year. This is a journey of self-reflection & soul-searching irrespective of your color or creed.
The toughest is when you start your journey at 3am walking along those never-ending stretches in total darkness sandwich between those palm oil plantation. Most of the time, one will walked that lonely dark lane with occasional vehicles or lorries zooming by.
picture courtesy of runwitme
This year we started a little later - 4.00am from Batu Caves. After the light refreshment of vegetarian mee-hoon & tea, we headed towards Karak Highway to the 1st stop in Genting Sempah (just before the tunnel) which is almost 20km, the toughest stretch in the entire journey. It started raining quite heavily after 1 hour into the journey & I quickly put on the poncho. Walking through that undulating road with one of the steepest strectch of almost 5km uphill before Genting Sempah can really drained off all your energy. Nevertheless, Peter & myself managed to reach there just before 8.00am for a good breakfast before continuing the journey of another 22km before lunch time at Hutan Lipur Lentang.
After lunch, we continued our journey heading towards Karak town. Just after tea break, Peter & myself slowed down our pace as the heat was too much to endure. It was like walking between the blazing sun and oven hot tarred-road! One good thing is there were plenty of water & many locals also set up little 'stall' at bus stop to serve us watermelon, chilled can drinks, ginger tea, yogurt & sweets. Without their support, we may not make it that far.
Just after tea break, I asked Peter to go ahead as I did not want to slow him down with my turtle pace. There was a sharp pain just behind my right ankle. Most likely its that old injury on the tendon. I couldn't walk or lift my feet anymore and there is another 18km before we reach Karak town. I took off my shoe & walk barefooted for almost 7km before one of the Rela personnel gave me a lift for the next 5km. On the way, I saw Peter, Param, Dr Dervinder & few other hardcore walkers struggling to complete the first set for the day.
There were 150 participants compared to previous years of more than 400. This is because the group has split into two with the other group teaming up with Makkal Osai. They decided to start a day earlier thus stretching the journey a little longer to give the participants more rest time in between. But I chose to stick to the original group under Tamil Nesan as I do not wish to participate in their political game.
With lesser perticipants, we have more 'rooms' to ourselves & cleaning up is much better as less people are using the limited facilities like the bathroom especially the ladies. Crowd control is better & people seems to walk more instead of waiting for the 'sweeper bus' compared to previous years. And the local medical team from the hospital was there to give medical check-up & prescribed the necessary medication to those in need. All were encouraged to take the glucose & blood pressure test.
After resting for less than 4 hours, we were woke up by the organiser as they decided to start the journey one hour earlier! Gosh . . . . . thats unbelievable! It was too early to chuck those bread & biscuit down my throat so I just dressed up & started the journey again. I had my Power Gel & Powerbar Performance with me. So, there goes my 1st Powerbar Performance before breakfast at Km8. That was the best breakfast that I always look forward - puttu mayam with dark sugar (the original serving that I had more than 25 years ag0), tosai & freshly cook daal curry.
One good thing about this trip is all the food are freshly cooked & prepared for the participants irrespective of the serving time. I truly salute all the volunteers & sponsors for their dedication & enthusiasm.
By now, I could not walk with the shoe on anymore. So, I requested to jump onto the ambulance & chase after the lorry that carry our baggage to get my slippers. I was then walking with my slippers for the whole of 2nd day. Thats when I got 2 tiny blisters.
The 3rd day is one of the toughest journey with long stretches of never-ending winding route. I walked the first 12km with my slippers on but as I reached the 1st pit-stop, I quickly climbed onto the lorry to retrieve my Digi yellow back-pack & shoe. I will not be able to reach that temple in Jengka unless I put my shoe on. I really dreaded this idea cos' that pain is still very much in my mind. But I have to do this cos' I didn't want to be swept by the sweeper. Peter was also injured by now. Yes, we both have the same problem. So, we decided to pace one another for as long as we can. Just after 5km . . . . OUCH! MY!!!!!!! there was this tremendous sharp stinging pain right behind my ankle. I almost fell on the ground . . . .. I have to lift my feet up & slowly removed the shoes very gently. Huhhhh . . . . there was cold sweat . .. I was so worried that my stubborness to walk with the shoe on may cause the tendon to burst!
So, once again I had to go barefoot for the next 12km. I felt much better but Peter is now struggling even after being treated during breakfast time. The swell on his right foot worsen with each step. I walked slowly with him until we reach halfway with another 5km to Jengka town for lunch.
Finally, Peter joined few other for a break. I took the opprotunity to run across to the petrol station to ease myself. I asked Peter to take a break & wait for the ambulance to fetch him to the next stop while I continued the journey barefooted.
Thats a very lonely 5km . . . . . . . This is truly a test of endurance & spiritual strength. I cleared my mind of all temptation when a couple of times the volunteers stop over to offer a lift. Its almost 11.00am and the heat is on!
I reached the Temple in Jengka just before lunch where most were seated awaiting for lunch and some were seeking treatment from the St. John medical team which has been with us from the start of the journey. As I just sat down to take a break, there was some kind of a commotion . . . . ... . . a loud scream followed by some sort of debate. I was curious but scare at the same time. One of the devotees & a priest were actually in trance. 2 different spirits had entered their body and were talking to the Chief of the temple. I will not go into detail as I am in no liberty to discuss or comment on the situation after getting a short briefing from one of them.
Well, its time to strategise again. I will never make it to another 5km barefoot or with slippers under the hot blazing sun! But, I can't even slip on the shoes! I carried a pouch which contain all the necessary - deep heat, powerbar & gel, Oral Rehydration Salt, pain killer tablets, plasters, baby oil, vaselin, nail clipper, scarf, towel and of course my personal belongings - cash, ID card & mobile phone. I did my own 'operation' to treat the blisters. But what can I do to enable myself to put on the shoes & walk again? Hahahh .. .. an operation on the shoes! So, I borrow a pair of scissors from the St John and . . .. . . . taaaadaaaaaaa . . . . . Yes, I decided to cut off the upper part of the 'ear' so that it will not compressed & 'eat' into the back of my ankle that causes the pain in the tendon! What a brilliant decision!
Just before I continued the last 23km to the final destination, I snapped a group photo with the SJA team. There were 2 fully equipped ambulance accompanying the participants. They are in fact ready to face any eventuality from blisters to heart failure problem.
They are highly professional & friendly in discharging their duty. I was told that they were called by the other group who split from us near Karak as one of their participants was having heart problem. They rushed to him in the nick of time and performed life-saving procedure to keep him conscious & breathing throughout the journey to the nearest hospital which is 10km away. The last we heard, he was still in ICU but in stable condition. This is the 1st casualty I heard off in 5 years.
Peter gave up after 8km as the swell is getting from bad to worse. So, once again I walked the road alone under the hot blazing sun. After 2km, I overtook many and was practically alone on the long stretch again! By now, I should have completed more than 5km and there is still another 8km to go. Now, time is a factor. We gotta be there by 4.00pm as Peter is joining the procession and we have to complete the task and leave for home early for urgent matter. Eventually, I jumped onto the lorry and head towards the MarathandavarTemple.
I 'retired' from the procession this year and joined the Rela to lead the procession instead.
They marched 500 meter towards the main temple before going 3 times around the temple. Finally, they proceeded into the temple to pour the milk onto a deity as a form of purification in fulfilling their deeds.
This majestic temple is being built around a huge tree right in the middle . Despite spending millions, the basic amenities such as washrooms are in such deplorable state. There is no clean water & there were really filthy & stinks! I usually will carry bottles of mineral waters & hide in a corner to clean-up before heading home for proper bath.
The toughest part of this journey is being back to basic without any decent amenities especially the very basic cleansing facilities. Overall, I always enjoy this pilgrimage as each journey is unique and educational.
Peter & myself decided to train 3 months before our next journey. This time bringing few other friends along. We would like to take 10 persons with us on this challenge especially those who has completed their Ironman or Iron Lady course. We are also looking for volunteers who are willing to drive along in their 4-wheel or any vehicle as a back-up team.