FONET is one of the networking group under the National Association of Women Entrepreneur Malaysia (NAWEM). We decided to hold a Charity Garage Sales in partnership with Dignity & Services (D&S). FONET under the leadership of Alice Tan who produce swimwear and beach wear has been organising a few events this year to provide a platform for women to interact and network among the group.
Early this year, the group decided to organise a charity event as part of our social activity. As one the member I took the opportunity to garner their support to raise fund for D & S. I've been a friend and a part time organiser of D & S for the last 8 years. A non-governmental organisation, D & S champion the rights and dignity of people with learning disabilities.
And so, the sub-committee of FONET decided to embark on a garage sales on 25 May 2008 at No. 45, Medan Burhanuddin Helmi, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail which currently is running the OPTION, a program to teach youth from the age of 16 onward on basic living skills.
For the last 3 months, we sent out emails to all members and started collecting all kind of items for sales. The sub-committee appointed me as the project leader as I had the experience in running a garage sales. However, all members contributed towards the success of the project. We also got the green light and blessing from the EXCOs of NAWEM.

So, we set out to face the eventful day - printing of banners, brochures, t-shirts and advertisement in the Star paper. All these will not be possible if not for the help put together by all the ladies. Alice provided meals, Althea was our publicity and media committee, You Von who contributed quite a substantial amount of items, Mimi is our finance lady and not forgetting the twin girls of Alice who had done a great job to ease our workload. Of course their entrepreneurship come naturally from their mother!
Sales due to start at 10 am, a group of serious buyers already waited at the gate since 8 am. Finally, after some final touch up we open the gate for sales at 9.40 am.

In less than 2 hours, more than half the items in the house was taken up. Wow! We did not anticipate such an enthusiatic crowd and were really glad with the turn up. There was something for everyone - young and old.
By 1.00pm, we managed to raise RM1,200, another RM800 to reach our target. The night before, I was a little worried and not too sure if we could sell half the items especially the huge bundle of used clothing and bags. But by noon, I was confident of reaching our goal!

Thank you Alice for leading by example. You have been most helpful, understanding and a true leader. You make us proud to be part of FONET!