Date : 4 October 2008
Time : 8am
Venue : CI Cricket & Sporting Club, Christmas Island, Australia
Distance : 21km
Powered By : Julie Wong
Sponsors :
Christmas Island Phosphates (CIP)
Australian Indian Ocean Travel Agency (AIOTA)
CI Travel Exchange
1:36:58 Mike Musso - CHAMPION
1:37:12 Klaas De Wart
1:40:31 Gary Mitchell
1:41:05 Chen Keat Hoong
1:45:59 Tan John Yam
1:53:86 Gregory Teo Chin Seng
1:54:24 Tim Sambell
1:57:39 Rob Reynolds
2:01:10 Foo Chee Jin
2:06:37 Jeffrey Oliver
1:59:48 Dominique Maberly - CHAMPION
2:20:20 Katrina Bird
2:27:56 Yap Wai Mun
2:29:13 Goh Hiong Eng
2:31:12 Eliza Ho Hsu-Wei
2:31:12 Sharon Tang Sok Teng
2:32:10 Jenap Bt M. Said
2:56:11 Khalijah Hj Bakar
3:03:35 Julie Wong
3:06:54 Gail Yeap
21KM TEAM RELAY (3 x 7km)
1:50:54 Feral Chooks
1:51:23 CI Hawks
2:10:05 Bluebirds
2:16:22 3 R's
2:19:36 CIP
The first batch of 21km Fun walkers
Chen KH - his 1st overseas run & miss the podium finish by 1 placing.
John, just recovered from his recent fall in a race did equally well.
Eliza and Sharon - the 'Happy Twins' pacing one another throughout the race. Eeemmm ... such a happy partnership
Ho Wai Kin (Bib No : A015) the 21 year old participants with learning disability. What a courageuos attempt! He had been training for almost 3 months to prepare for this race. (left-right: Soon, Oon, Francis, Ooi, Jenap, Julie & Wai kin)
Wai Mun, ran an additional 6km for making a wrong turning after the 8th km. Amazingly, she still emerged the 2nd runner up in the race with a BIG smile. Thats what SPORTMANSHIP is all about! Behind her is Jenap (in blue t-shirt). She is a prominent figure in our local races with her jovial and colourful appearence.

Klaas(in black/yellow vest), the tallest among all emerged 1st runner up in the Men Open category beating some of the younger runners.

The last 7km 'killing stretch'. This is where Chen KH suffered the heat from the blazing sun.

Francis and Ng SP pacing each other at the last 7km.

Ha ha haaa..... my GRAND FINISH!!!!!!

In deep thought??? ..... ooopppsss taking a short nap while waiting for the results

With our medals and certificates

Group photos before the race

...... after the race

more photos and report to follow ....
Please scroll down to my previous post for more details on Christmas Island, Australia