Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008
Larian Tahun Baru 2009, Adun Chempaka has been reschedule to :
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Another Day Has Dawned
- by Kit McCallum
Amidst our chaos and confusion
Amidst our anguish and despair
Amidst our never-ending questions and blame
...... Lies a world of lessons
Through our tears and astonishment
Through our hopelessness and desperations
...... Lies a world of shame
For it is our world that is responsible
It is our world that allowed his sadness
It is our world that has lost its youth
...... And it is our world that needs to change
It is a warning for those who would isolate it
It is a warning for those who would bury it
It is a warning for those who think it will not touch them
...... It is we, who need to address it
For this is the birth of our own generation
This is the birth of our own problems
This is the birth of our own mistakes
...... It is we, who needed to watch over them
A new generation who have hopes and dreams
A new generation who have life and laughter
A new generation who deserve a chance at peace
...... It is we who need to make them secure
It is time to stop talking in circles
It is time to stop blaming and pointing
It is time to stop questioning and guessing
...... It is time to accept the burden and act
We are not blameless
We are not above reproach
We are not perfect role models
...... For we are the generation they emulate
Look beyond your own circle of life
Look beyond your picket fences and chained doors
Look beyond your own backyard
...... And admit your frailties and failures
Did you not once look the other way?
Did you not once stay quiet when you should have spoken?
Did you not once say I cannot change it?
...... Do you know that we can make a difference?
One small voice can begin to move mountains
One caring gesture can begin to enlighten others
One shoulder to lean on, can ease another's pain
...... Did you know that you are that one?
Listen to those who are in jeorpady
Listen to that small voice whispering that they are in trouble
Listen to that child with the wayward furtive glance
...... And be prepared to take part in their future
For if you do not listen and talk
If you do not participate and take responsibility
If you do not guide and offer them your heart and wisdom
...... It is we, who will join in their misery
It reaches beyond your own immediate children
It reaches beyond their friends and peers
It reaches beyond their nieces and nephews
...... For it is every child you come in contact with
Positive action begins in our own backyards
Positives actions flows through your own neighbourhood
Positive actions can encompass your own small town and city
...... And through this, we are all connected
Be a mentor when others fail to counsel
Be a counsellor when others fail to listen
Be a listener when others fail to notice
...... Be a positive experience with every child you meet
For yesterday, someone looked the other way
Yesterday, someone pretended they did not see
Yesterday, someone passed by without offering help
...... But today, it is not too late
Today, you can make a difference in someone's life
Today, you can offer your love and guidance
Today, you can choose to be positive influence for another
...... And then may be, just may be, our world will change you
Sunday, December 21, 2008

With the Pacemakers Network and Friends

Cheang MW and wife (the host) extend their blessing to all the guests. They were so kind to give me a special Birthday blessing. Really touched by their hospitality and generosity
And my home bake Birthday cake! Yummy yeah!!
Group photo
This will be one of the many Birthday celebrations that I will truly cherish and the first that I spent with so many runners. The cake cutting was captured on video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D7zNtkdzWA . Thanks to RunWithMe.
December 20 is also the Birthday of our longest serving Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir. One may hate him, dislike him, despise him but we cannot deny the fact that he did brought about many changes to our beloved Malaysia. Afterall, he is a Politician! At least he is still the BEST compared to all the half past 6 ministers still serving in the cabinet.
Wishing everyone a Joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The ADUN (Member of the State Assembly) of Chempaka, Ampang is organising a New Year run and details as follow.
The office of ADUN Chempaka, Ampang
Date : 3 January 2009
Time : 7am
Venue : Padang MPAJ, Pandan Indah
Reg fee : RM5.00
Distance : 6km (to be confirm)
School Boys : 20 years & below
School Girls : 20 years & below
Men Open : 21 - 39 years old
Women Open : 21 - 39 years old
Men Veteran : 40 years & above
Women Veteran : 40 years & above
School Boys
1st Prize [ Medal + Hamper + Cash RM100 ]
2nd Prize [ Medal + Hamper + Cash RM80 ]
3rd Prize [ Medal + Hamper + Cash RM50 ]
Men Open / Women Open / Men Veteran / Women Veteran
1st Prize [ Medal + Hamper + Cash RM150 ]
2nd Prize [ Medal + Hamper + Cash RM100 ]
3rd Prize [ Medal + Hamper + Cash RM50]
Finishing Medals from 4th - 10th Positions for all categories.
Those who are interested may register with the Organiser by 31 December 2008. Should you need any assistance, do drop me a line at jwbiznet@hotmail.com or 016 - 228 4088. Please come and join the fun with your family and friends.
This will be the 2nd run for 2009. The 1st running event is the Pacemakers Network NY Run on 1 Jan 2009 at Tapak A, Lake Garden. Registration has been closed.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Time : 8pm - 8am
Venue : Dataran Putra, Putrajaya
Result : 37km
Met up with Joyce at the Seri Petaling LRT station and later joined Choy Hong to head off to Dataran Putra at 3pm. As we approached Putrajaya, rain started pouring down. Finally we managed to find the registration centre. We were the first to arrive. As I had sent a list to Mr. Khoo a day earlier, collection was hustle free.
Joyce and Choy Hong went home while I hang around in the collection tent waiting for the rain to stop. 30 minutes later, the sky brightened up and slowly a handful of participants walked in to pick up their bibs and goodies bag.
I started checking out the facilities and chatted with some familiar faces - Jenap, Francis, Philip, Choi and some outstation participants. There was an Indocafe van dispersing coffee so I grabbed a few cups to stay awake.

By 5pm the participants started walking in. Andrew and Yee Mey turned up by about 6pm and brought me fried rice for dinner. Thank you my dear friends. Need to load with more carbo food before the race. By 7.30pm all participants gathered at the starting line right in front of the Palace of Justice building. After a short briefing by Mr. Khoo, the Race Director on the rules and regulation, all are ready for the race!

Jenap from Singapore

Mr. Ramanaidu

Me and Tan Choon Seang with his 'suffering' pose

The medal

~Friendly and accomodative ****
Distribution of Bibs/Goodies Bag ****
Food & Beverage ****
Logistic **
Medical ***
Overall Management *****
However I hope the Technical Official will carry out their task more seriously and professionally. From now on I will start to rate all running and walking events.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Date : 20 - 23 December, 2008
Time : 8.30pm
Venue: Level 1, Bar Council Auditorium (behind Central Market/next to HSBC card center)
Limited seat, kindly RSVP
For more info and details, kindly contact 012 - 465 1671 or email fadiahnadwah9@yahoo.com
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
RELAY WITHOUT BARRIER (RWB) 2008 - More Reporting
Mr. Khoo and his team setting up the Champion Chip System

Tying the chips onto the batons
The New Comer - Int'l Japanese School
Attending briefing..... every team must "take care' of this green card which act as a back up to the time chip and also as a way to get runners in the team to be proactive while waiting for their team mate to complete the race
this is the reason this park is a favorite with the locals and runners. . . . . hope the local authority will take good care of this park and sustain the greens
The Running Mom - first time volunteer with her two young faithful bodyguard . .
Mr. Khoo . . . . eeemmm I hope she didn't 'elope' with my Champion Chip
aHA!!! there she is . . paced by her partner. Yee Mey, the first time participant. Its OK, Mr Khoo. I just went for a short date with Mr. Champion Chip up the hill. It's really COOooool . . .
The FINAL Touch Down to signify the end of the relay to the standing ovation. Amazing that she managed to complete despite the extra miles as I told her that she only had to run 2km a week ago while trying to convince her . . . oooppps forgot to tell her my maths is actually very lousy . . hahahaaaaaaaa
Group photo
The Medal
Everyone went home a winner! Position medals for all who complete the race!!! Except poor ME with the timer hanging on my neck till the next RACE!!!